Commissions & Payments
Understanding the commissions structure and payment process is an important part of the program and will provide more clarity into how the program works.

Learn About

Commission Structure and Payments

View commission rates and device support for program lines of business.


Apple Music

Device Support
iOS, iPadOS, macOS, Android, Windows

Commission Rate
One-time payment on Membership

Cookie Window
30 days


Apple Fitness+

Device Support
iOS, iPadOS, macOS

Commission Rate
One-time payment on Membership

Cookie Window
30 days


Apple TV+

Device Support
iOS, iPadOS, macOS, Android, Windows

Commission Rate
One-time payment on Membership

Cookie Window
30 days


TV & Movies

Device Support
iOS, iPadOS, macOS, Android, Windows 

Commission Rate
7% commission on sales revenue 

Cookie Window
30 days


MLS Season Pass

Device Support
iOS, iPadOS, macOS, Android, Windows

Commission Rate
One-time payment on annual or monthly subscription     

Cookie Window
30 days


Apple Podcasts

Device Support
iOS, iPadOS, macOS

Commission Rate
One-time payment on Membership

Cookie Window
30 days


Apple Books

Device Support
iOS, iPadOS, macOS

Commission Rate
7% commission on sales revenue    

Cookie Window
30 days

60-90 day payment cycle


In addition to earning commissions on Apple Services memberships, partners who qualify and are able to drive signups at scale while maintaining exceptional quality can apply to be paid for each trial and gain access to exclusive assets and additional support. If you have already been accepted into the program and think you qualify, please apply.

Apply Now

Premier Program Criteria

  • Ability to drive trials at scale (amount varies by product)
  • Ability to maintain desired conversion rate from trial to paid membership
  • Ability to adhere to high brand standards for inventory and traffic sources

How To

Set up Payment/Banking Information

Bank Note

We recommend setting up your banking information as soon as you can to ensure proper and timely payment. To set up payment via your bank, follow these steps:


Sign in to Partnerize and navigate to Settings > Payments and click on Add bank account.

Payments 1

Select All from the drop down menu for the Tracked Currency. Make sure that “Paid Currency” and “Country” correlate.

You can also set up Auto selfbill/payment to automate the fund transfer based on one or both of the following criteria:

Payment Date: Select a preferred day of the month for the auto selfbill to be automatically raised, if the minimum threshold has been met. If you’ve set up the Monthly Payment Date for a day that doesn’t exist in the current month, it will be processed on the last day of the month.

Threshold amount: Choose a custom amount to automatically generate the selfbill (e.g. $100 USD). If 0 is selected, it will automatically trigger at $30 USD.

Payments 2

The final step is to input your banking details and click Save.

Please ensure that your banking details are entered correctly. Incorrect banking details will delay the payment process.

Payments 3

How To

Withdraw Commissions

Bank Note Withdraw

Withdrawing commissions is required in order to be paid. You must first set up at least one bank account. Please see the steps above before attempting to withdraw any commissions.


After clicking on the Payments tab at the top, please note the different groupings of tracked commissions. Each of these classifications refers to the current state of those specific funds as they move from “Pending” to lastly “Available.” You can also click on the “?” to view the tooltip provided on each grouping.

Pending: Amount of commissions earned pending to be processed during monthly invoicing.
Approved: Amount of commissions earned that will imminently be invoiced to the advertiser (Apple).
Confirmed: Amount of commissions that has already been approved and invoiced to Apple. This is now awaiting payment so that Partnerize may release the funds to you, the partner.
Available: Finally, the amount of commissions now held by Partnerize and available to you for immediate disbursement.

Click the green Withdraw to the right of the "Available" amount.

Withdraw 1

You will be taken to the Withdraw page, which has a list of your provided bank account details, listed by country of bank.

Select one (or multiple/all) account(s) in the Choose bank account column to view a list of available balances associated with that account, separated by tracked currency. 

Select which balances you would like to withdraw (one, several, or Select all), and which bank account(s) you would like payment to be made to, then click "Continue" to confirm and withdraw.

Withdraw 2

On the Confirm and Withdraw page, you will see a list of all requested withdrawals, along with the selected bank accounts that the currency amounts will be paid to.

If a currency you have earned commissions for is not associated to a bank account, then you can select an existing bank account to make the payment to, or add new bank account details.

Once you confirm the details, click Withdraw to complete the request process and create a selfbill.

Withdraw 3

Once created, the selfbill will be added to the table at the bottom of the main Payments page, with a status of Processing. The withdrawal request will be processed, payment forwarded to your nominated bank account, and the selfbill status updated to Paid.

If you wish to download any selfbills, you can do this by checking the box(es) next to the required selfbill(s), and then choosing the download option (either PDF or CSV format) from the Actions menu in the upper-righthand corner.

The PDF contains an invoice for the total amount. The CSV contains a detailed view of all the individual approved transactions associated with the invoice total.

Withdraw 4

Questions? Answers.

Apple pays Partnerize, our platform provider, who then releases funds via the payments platform with a simple, rapid bank transfer to the partner.

After you start generating sales and have hit the minimum payment threshold of $30 USD or equivalent for your chosen currency, your commission payment will be available approximately 60 — 90 days after the month’s end.

You can run reports on clicks and conversions in Partnerize.

Payout reflects the amount of commission you will earn, while Revenue is the total amount or value of purchases your users have made on any qualifying commissionable items from Apple Services.

Partnerize Analytics uses daily exchange rates that will fluctuate based on the currency displayed and the transaction currency (if they are different). When an invoice is generated, a specific monthly exchange rate is set by Open Exchange and used exclusively for invoicing. This can cause some discrepancy between both viewpoints. Depending on how often you check your reporting for the same timeframes, the discrepancies may fluctuate.

This depends on your bank. Some banks have a holding period of 48 hours until they release funds to their customers. If you do not receive your funds after 8 days of the “paid date” timestamp in your platform, please reach out to our support team.

In the Payments section, you can download a selfbill by checking the box(es) next to the required selfbill(s), and then choosing the download option (either PDF or CSV format) from the Actions menu in the upper-righthand corner.

Transactions that occur in a fiscal period may not be captured in that invoice period. To see what transactions are in the current invoice cycle, you can download a CSV report in the Payments section. This report will include an item-level breakdown that will allow you to reconcile all transactions with the Analytics reporting data. Conversions not found in that CSV report will be included in the next invoicing cycle.

To download the CSV, check the box(es) next to the desired selfbill(s), and then choose the download option (CSV format) from the Actions menu in the upper-righthand corner.

We are not able to confirm monthly numbers. This can be done using Partnerize Analytics.

Apple and Partnerize do not accept invoices from partners. All payments will be based on the amounts that are available in Partnerize for withdrawal for that fiscal month.

No. Payments to partners are made on behalf of Apple by Partnerize.

Yes. Each currency that hits the required threshold equivalent must be released separately to your payment method of choice.

No. Each tracked currency is required to hit the minimum threshold in order to be released.

To do this, please see the section on how to withdraw commissions.

You can request to be paid in 60 global currencies across 214 countries. Please visit for the complete list.

A tracked currency is the currency that a transaction was made in and comes through to Partnerize. When setting up your payment details, transactions can be paid in different currencies and then paid into different accounts, or all transactions can be paid into one account (by selecting 'All' and selecting one paid currency).

If you choose to be paid in a currency that differs from the tracked currency, we make these payments via American Express and they will then apply the exchange rates before sending across the converted currency to yourself.

A paid currency is the currency that you elect to receive your commission payments. Regardless of what currency a transaction was tracked, you can elect to receive your commission payments in any currency that you like. Please keep in mind when selecting the currency that the bank account you have entered has the capability to support that particular currency.

Partnerize does not charge fees when funds are released. In certain situations, the bank receiving the funds may charge fees.

If you choose to be paid out in single currency, all funds from other currencies will be converted into the selected currency and may be subject to exchange fees. Partnerize uses American Express to convert funds and will pass on any applicable fees to the partner.

Currency is converted in Partnerize Analytics in real time. These rates will change based on daily fluctuations in exchange rates. The CSV download in the Payments section has a specific monthly exchange rate set by Open Exchange and used exclusively for invoicing. This will vary from the daily rates presented in Partnerize Analytics.

Any currency conversions are calculated using monthly rates from Open Exchange extracted at the beginning of each month. If the invoice includes sales covering two different months, two different rates will be applied on the invoice.

Partnerize will not apply (add or deduct) taxes to your commission payments. You will be responsible for any applicable tax regulations outside of our platform. Please contact Partnerize for any required tax forms. Please email for any required tax forms.

If you provide a VAT ID, the applicable VAT amount will be removed by Partnerize. You can see a breakdown in the selfbill document in the Payments section.

Yes. Simply select “Not registered for VAT” but include your VAT number in the box provided and it will appear on your selfbill, whether it is included or not.

If you have been paid and believe VAT should have been included, please email If you send VAT-only invoices for each selfbill currency that has been paid without VAT, Partnerize can arrange to pay the VAT element. Simply update your VAT settings in the platform to have VAT automatically included on a going-forward basis.

Please email immediately and Partnerize will attempt to stop the payment before it is processed, or an amendment will be sent.

Please email Partnerize can recreate the PDF to reflect the updated address.